"You are the best Ummah singled out for mankind: You enjoin what is right (Ma'roof) and forbid what is wrong (Munkar) and believe in Allah (SWT)." (A'le Imran, 3:110)


We are more than just an Academy; We are an Islamic, AI-driven Institution

Unified Learning

Harmony of Worlds: A Comprehensive Approach to Education at ZKF Islamic Academy

Many Islamic institutes solely focus on religious studies, potentially creating a knowledge gap and time-management challenges for students attending secular schools. In response, we’ve developed a holistic solution at our institute. We provide a blend of world-class American education, recognized globally, alongside the essential teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, all facilitated by cutting-edge technology. This unique approach not only encourages out-of-the-box thinking but also ensures practical application of acquired knowledge. Our education is application-based, empowering students to implement what they learn throughout their schooling, setting them up for success in college and beyond.

ZKF Islamic Academy offers a seamless blend of world-class American education and essential Quranic teachings.

Why Choose Us

Compelling Reasons to Enroll Your Child at ZKF Islamic Academy

Choose ZKF for an unparalleled commitment to excellence, where innovation meets quality, and education transforms into a dynamic journey of growth and achievement.

Artificial Intelligence

ZKF Islamic Academy adopts an AI-based education model, with learning delivered through the interactive AI bot, Dr. Zak, signifying a commitment to innovation and personalized Islamic education.

American Certified Institute

ZKF Islamic Academy is American certified, showcasing its commitment to quality education within recognized standards.

TEKs Aligned Institute

ZKF Islamic Academy aligns seamlessly with TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills), demonstrating its commitment to providing education in accordance with established standards.

Certified Faculty

ZKF Islamic Academy features a certified faculty, ensuring students receive education from qualified experts dedicated to maintaining high standards of academic excellence.

Islamic Teachings

ZKF Islamic Academy is devoted to teaching and embodying Islamic principles, ensuring students not only gain academic knowledge but also embrace the values inherent in Islamic teachings.

Quranic School

ZKF Islamic Academy is a dedicated Quranic School, placing the teachings of the Quran at the core of its curriculum, fostering a profound understanding among students.

Language Bot

ZKF Islamic Academy integrates a language bot, revolutionizing language learning with interactive technology for a dynamic educational experience.

IBM Watson

ZKF Islamic Academy pioneers education by harnessing the power of IBM Watson, employing advanced AI to create an innovative and intelligent learning environment.


Engagement with Peers and Faculty in an Online Setting

Parents may express concerns about their child’s engagement with other students. Despite being an online institute, we acknowledge the importance of children interacting with their peers and faculty, especially for middle and high school students. Hence, our crafted curriculum is designed to fulfill this essential need.

Engagement with Peers

In online education, a child might face challenges in socializing and presenting themselves regularly, leading to potential issues like becoming antisocial. To counteract this, we have crafted an engaging curriculum featuring virtual simulations and gamified learning. Each child is required to participate in monthly educational activities, such as debates, presentations, creative writing, or competitions, designed to pique their interests. Students are encouraged to join clubs and engage in various activities.

Engagement with Faculty

Open communication between students and teachers is vital in online education. While our main instructor is the AI Dr. ZAK, on the other hand, our facilitators are available weekly to address students' concerns. At ZKF, we ensure our faculty is meticulous in assessing each student in every lecture, and if a student is not online, the facilitator will reach out privately. Additionally, our support group is always available to assist with any queries. Our commitment to providing seamless support is unwavering and outstanding

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